Welcome to my Paid Survey Reviews. Here you will find all information and rankings of which online survey sites / market research sites actually pay and which are scams, the amount you need to cash-out and how regular your survey invitations are emailed to you so you can pick and choose what is best for you.

Remember, it does not matter what currency you are paid in, whether it is Great British Pounds, Euro’s or American Dollar’s as all will be converted in your Paypal or Paylert account or when you cash your cheque in at your own bank.

Vindale Research

I have fully reviewed Vindale and can confirm this is a legit site. I’m awarding this site 4 out of 5 star, the only point that lets the site down is the high payout amount of $50 USD which you can use the currency converter on this page to convert it to your own currency for your threshhold amount.
I have included a screen shot of my account for verification purposes.
Listed below are the types of emails Vindale Research will send you, you can always change your preferences by editing your profile. Vindale Research have a zero tolorence spam policy and you can opt out at any time...

Paid Surveys
Receive email notifications each week about new opportunities to earn up-to $75 for evaluating a product.

Online Studies
Receive email notifications every few days about new chances to earn $1 for completing a simple online survey.

Reward Mail
Get paid to read your email! Reward Mail features promotional messages from a variety of advertisers and you will get paid for just reading the email and then clicking the link to visit the sponsors website and checking it out.

Opinion Polls
Receive fun opinion polls in your inbox a few times per week and earn 25 cents everytime you share your opinion.

Member Newsletter
Stay informed. Every two weeks you will receive an email about your account balance, new opportunities and bonus offers.

Payments are made by the safe and secure services of Paypal but if you reside in the USA a paper cheque option is available.
Click here to get a Paypal Account.
Payments are processed on the 15th and the last day of every month. On these days, if your verified balance is $50 USD or above and you have requested payment, you will automatically receive an email about the steps necessary to accept payment. Please note that transactions to and from Paypal always take a few days to process.